Posts By: Mike Hardy

Navigating Inheritance Tax

How to pass on assets to the next generation to secure their future for tomorrow

Inheritance Tax (IHT) represents a significant consideration for anyone looking to pass on assets to the next generation. As of the 2024/25 tax year, IHT incurs a 40% charge on the portion of an estate exceeding the nil rate band of £325,000, excluding transfers to a spouse or registered civil partner.

Enhancing pension contributions for a brighter future

New tax year, new you? Maximise your pension savings this new tax year

As we embark on the new tax year, it presents an opportune moment to review your pension savings strategy, setting a solid foundation for future financial stability. Early attention to your private pension at the onset of the fiscal year is not just about cultivating beneficial saving habits; it’s also about ensuring you fully exploit the benefits and allowances available to you. 

Changes to Individual Savings Accounts in 2024

Why savers and investors now have a more flexible approach

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) offer a versatile and tax-efficient way to save for the future, whether for yourself, your children or grandchildren. Now that we have entered the new financial year, on 6 April 2024, significant changes to ISAs have been introduced.